Was Hulk Hogan's 2002 Title Run Needed?

The guy holding the World Title should be way over, way popular, and be able to sell tickets. If that guy is a legend in a nostalgia run then so be it. From a money making business standpoint (and this is a business built around making money) I'd rather bury the young guy who isnt yet over with fans but has potential and ride the guaranteed money train that is my way over, way popular, ticket selling legend on his nostalgia run. There is always time to build Mr Potential young guy later, the money making machine of the legend has a short shelve life, ride it while you can.

Want to know why Cena & HHH have had so many title runs in the last 12 years ?? They put more fans in seats than anyone else, simple. Want to know why Vince was always trying to find someone new to be Champ during Brett Hart's heyday...he didnt think Hart put enough fans in seats so he tried Nash & Yokozuna & eventually moved to KBK.

Hogan's title run in 2002 did not hurt one wrestler or career. It was a great selling point, the ultimate favorite son returns home and wins the gold. Did anyone's career really suffer irresversible harm due to all the attention HBK-Taker got at WM 25 & 26 ? How many future superstars saw their careers ruined by Ric Flair's Farewell Tour in 07-08 ? Please explain the damage done to all of pro wresting by having so much attention on Taker-HHH at the last two WrestleMania's ? I can tell you one side effect of each of those matches and storylines...THEY MADE WWE A LOT OF $$$$$$

Look at the NFL, no matter what young up and coming team grabs headlines the biggest ratings grabbing match ups are always the ones involving The Steelers, Patriots, Peyton Manning, etc... the old, well established, successful franchises and players who have dominated the past decade plus. Despite all their success this season what match up do you think brings the most interest, Manning vs Brady or Russell Wilson vs Andy Dalton ?? Maybe some day after years of hard work Wilson vs Dalton will be as big as Manning-Brady, but not today.

Hogan's 2002 run accomplished two major goals. It kept fans interested and it was a popular way to honor one of the industry's most successful stars. No one was damaged by it (HHH didnt suffer from that loss any major damage to his credibility or star power anymore than he did putting over HBK in 02, Flair in 05, or Taker last year). Now you can argue about wether Hogan, a notorious self promoter not known for putting over other talent or working well with others really deserved such an honor, but that is a different thread. Did Hogan's title run hurt the company ? NO - Did It help ? To a small exent YES. Was it a popular tribute to a legendary superstar that long time fans appreciated and enjoyed ? YES. I dont have an issue with it.
